Mevrou Mevrou

Dis hier waar jy hoor waaroor ‘n Mevrou se lewe nou eintlik gaan – ‘n dosis hardop lag, lang trane huil, vra vir genade, pleit vir geduld. Elke dag se dinge op ‘n skinkbord en nee, nie met tee nie. Hierdie Mevrouens doen nie tee en toebroodjies nie. Maar dan is Gerda de Sousa en Dianne Broodryk nou ook nie alledaags nie. Hulle is maal twee. Hulle is Mevrou Mevrou!

True Crime South Africa – die Afrikaanse weergawe

True Crime South Africa – die Afrikaanse weergawe vertel die ware verhale en intrigues agter van Suid-Afrika se mees berugte en skokkende misdade ooit. Dié episodes het meer inligting wat op spesifiek die slagoffers fokus. Hier hoor jy meer oor die stories wat jy gedink het jy ken. Die episodes is nagevors, geskryf en vervaardig deur Nicole Engelbrecht vir haar gewilde True Crime South Africa reeks. Dit word oorvertel in Afrikaans deur JacarandaFM se Gerda de Sousa.

To Catch a Serial Killer

It was the early 90s and a South African serial killer was on the loose. On a rampage of rape and murder, he sent a Johannesburg suburb of women running for cover. In a deadly game of cat and mouse, investigative journalist Janine Lazarus was used by the police as a decoy to trap ‘The Norwood serial killer’.  If we’re to believe that journalists should shape the news – not make it – Lazarus broke just about every rule in newsroom ethics as she became increasingly obsessed with Kobus Geldenhuys. ‘To Catch a Serial Killer’ is the official companion podcast series to the true crime memoir by Lazarus: 'BAIT To Catch a Killer'. This five-part series is an original JacPod production - featuring Lazarus; Jacaranda FM news editor Marius van der Walt, and various guest contributors - and it explores central themes in the book.

Baby Brunch | The Parenting Series

It takes a village to raise a child and connecting with fellow moms and dads leads to sharing of knowledge. This podcast, created and hosted by award-winning TV and radio personality Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp, features fun and insightful conversations with ordinary parents doing extraordinary things. These can serve as a source of support, inspiration and great advice for moms and moms-to-be as we delve into the unique experiences of diverse parents. @elanaafrika | www.babybrunch.co.za

Boardroom Besties

Boardroom Besties with Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp is a podcast series about women of influence – women who have had a positive impact on society. We’re asking about their biggest wins and losses and the definitive moments that shaped and changed their lives for good, because this podcast aims to change other women’s lives forever, too. There are many false narratives on social media today, pulling young women into the pressure of being someone that they are not, throwing them into a cycle of instant gratification. We want this podcast to shine a positive light on hard work, staying focused and realising our boundless potential. Come and join us – we’ve made a place just for you.

Don't hold back: say it loud!

Money, sex, relationships, addiction, careers and more! Young South Africans chat openly and frankly about their experiences in "Don't Hold Back"  -  a podcast hosted by award-winning South African content creator, author and HIV activist Nozibele Qamngana-Mayaba. South Africans chat frankly about everything from their struggle with finances and substance abuse to toxic relationships and choosing the right career.  Life feels lighter when you can listen and learn from other people's experiences.

Good Morning Angels

Good Morning Angels is Jacaranda FM’s flagship community upliftment and CSI platform: changing lives and giving hope since 2005, every Wednesday morning on Breakfast with Martin Bester.  Good Morning Angels is good news, feel-good appointment listening, and an opportunity for listeners, corporates, and advertisers to actively get involved and contribute to causes close to their hearts on a weekly basis. It showcases the power of the human spirit, community, kindness, and the power of radio. Our listeners always step up – they are the angels.To get in touch email: [email protected]