Weekends with Thabiso Khambule

saturday FROM 14:00:00 - 18:00:00

Thabiso Khambule will be spicing up your weekend with top tunes, the hottest talk of the town and turning your Saturday good vibes up to max volume!

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Well-balanced life with MNI – The Destructive effect of chronic inflammation – Arthritis
Well-balanced life with MNI – The Destructive effect of chronic inflammation – Arthritis

Arthritis is, without a doubt, a leading cause of pain and disability across the world and it is surprisingly common.

2023-04-28 11:29:15
Well-balanced life with MNI – What causes back, neck and joint inflammatory pain?
Well-balanced life with MNI – What causes back, neck and joint inflammatory pain?

Lower back pain is ranked the single biggest cause for chronic disability in the world.

2023-04-21 12:06:00
Well-balanced life with MNI – Chronic Inflammation – Is This the Root of Modern Disease?
Well-balanced life with MNI – Chronic Inflammation – Is This the Root of Modern Disease?

Staying healthy shouldn’t be difficult. Whether you are living with an illness or ailment, or you want to prevent getting one, finding well-researched information should be the least of your worries.

2023-04-15 12:20:26
Well-balance life with MNI – Inflammation and heart health
Well-balance life with MNI – Inflammation and heart health

Staying healthy shouldn’t be difficult. Whether you are living with an illness or ailment, or you want to prevent getting one, finding well-researched information should be the least of your worries.

2023-04-08 11:03:00
Well-balance life with MNI – Cholesterol and Triglycerides, the Silent Killer
Well-balance life with MNI – Cholesterol and Triglycerides, the Silent Killer

Research has proven that raised triglycerides are an independent risk factor for heart disease. This means that raised triglycerides, without any other risk factors like raised total or LDL-cholesterol, can cause heart disease all on its own.

2023-03-31 08:45:00
Well-balance life with MNI – Teenagers and healthy sleep patterns
Well-balance life with MNI – Teenagers and healthy sleep patterns

Sleep is essential for people of any age. But the brain and body of a teenager undergo significant development, and for this, quality sleep is essential. Teenagers need between 8-10 hours of sleep per night to maintain their physical health, emotional well-being, and school performance.

2023-03-27 09:07:00
Well-balance life with MNI – Pain and sleep
Well-balance life with MNI – Pain and sleep

Sleep is essential to maintain physical health, emotional well-being, and cognitive performance. At night, during the sleep-cycle, the body undergoes a renewal process, it "repairs and regrows tissues, builds bone and muscle, and strengthens the immune system."

2023-03-17 12:23:00
Well-balance life with MNI – Sleep and emotional well-being
Well-balance life with MNI – Sleep and emotional well-being

Disrupted sleep may involve difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or an alteration in the quality of sleep. This leaves the individual feeling unrefreshed, emotionally depleted, and vulnerable to the development of various mental and physical disorders.

2023-03-10 07:40:00
Well-balance life with MNI – Insomnia and the consequences of sleep deprivation
Well-balance life with MNI – Insomnia and the consequences of sleep deprivation

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. A sleep disorder prevents you from getting quality sleep, despite the opportunity for it, with the result that you still feel tired when you wake up.

2023-03-06 08:11:09
Well-balance life with MNI – Stress and mental Health
Well-balance life with MNI – Stress and mental Health

Staying healthy shouldn’t be difficult. Whether you are living with an illness or ailment, or you want to prevent getting one, finding well-researched information should be the least of your worries. On Well Balanced, we normalise talking about your health.

2023-02-24 11:31:00
Well-balance life with MNI – Stress and your immune system
Well-balance life with MNI – Stress and your immune system

Stress not only affects brain function and mood, but also your overall health, especially your immune system.  NeuroVance Focus, from MNI contains a unique blend of plant-derived phytochemicals ingredients, vitamins, and minerals.

2023-02-20 09:49:00
Well-balance life with MNI – Understanding the cause of weight gain in your teenager
Well-balance life with MNI – Understanding the cause of weight gain in your teenager

Over the past 20 years The Medical Nutritional Institute (MNI) has developed a range of proven health care solutions targeting the underlying cause of the clinical components and lifestyle related conditions associated with the Metabolic Syndrome

2023-01-27 10:41:00
Well-balance life with MNI – Stronger approach to weightloss
Well-balance life with MNI – Stronger approach to weightloss

Poorly managed blood sugar metabolism can be associated with insulin resistance, a condition that makes it difficult to lose weight. If Insulin resistance is not identified and managed appropriately your chance of developing type-2 diabetes increases by 400%.

2023-01-19 09:53:20
Well-balance life with MNI – Focusing on insulin resistance and your metabolism
Well-balance life with MNI – Focusing on insulin resistance and your metabolism

Poorly managed blood sugar metabolism can be associated with insulin resistance, a condition that makes it difficult to lose weight. If Insulin resistance is not identified and managed appropriately your chance of developing type-2 diabetes increases by 400%.

2023-01-13 06:15:29
Well-balance life with MNI – Understand the Metabolic Syndrome
Well-balance life with MNI – Understand the Metabolic Syndrome

Over the past 20 years The Medical Nutritional Institute (MNI) has developed a range of proven health care solutions targeting the underlying cause of the clinical components and lifestyle related conditions associated with the Metabolic Syndrome

2023-01-06 08:31:01
Well-balance life with MNI – Hormonal Acne and back acne
Well-balance life with MNI – Hormonal Acne and back acne

A Fluctuation in hormones like during puberty, because of insulin resistance, being overweight or experiencing stress, can lead to a sudden acne breakout in men and women. 

2022-12-15 10:10:00
Well-balance life with MNI – Insulin Resistance and Skin health
Well-balance life with MNI – Insulin Resistance and Skin health

MNI focus’s on the Metabolic Syndrome and one of the components is Insulin Resistance, a complex condition with many negative effects on the body.

2022-12-09 09:55:00
Well-balance life with MNI – Hormonal Acne and Teenagers skin health
Well-balance life with MNI – Hormonal Acne and Teenagers skin health

If there's one thing you can count on as a teen, it's acne. More than 85% of teenagers have this common skin problem due to hormonal changes or imbalances.  

2022-12-05 06:09:00
Well-balance life with MNI – What is Cholesterol?
Well-balance life with MNI – What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a naturally occurring, waxy substance, with many vital roles in the body. These include the synthesis of certain hormones, vitamin D, digestive aids, and forming part of cell membranes. Collectively, cholesterol and other fats in your blood (known as triglycerides) are called lipids. Each performs unique biological roles and contributes differently to your risk for disease.

2022-11-25 07:41:00
Well-balance life with MNI – Tackling Triglycerides
Well-balance life with MNI – Tackling Triglycerides

Research has proven that raised triglycerides is an independent risk factor for heart disease. This means that raised triglycerides, without any other risk factors like raised total or LDL-cholesterol, can cause heart disease all on its own.

2022-11-21 11:57:00